Please support the team through any of the current fundraisers for this year.
Candy Bar Sale – Ongoing
Please support the team via the purchase of Getrude Hawk candy bars, just $2 a bar, please see one of the Robotics Club members to purchase.
Taddeo’s Greenhouses – TBD
Come out and support the Haverford Robotics Booster Club by visiting Taddeo’s Greenhouses during specific weekends. 10% of sales will be donated to the club. Be sure to mention “Robotics Team”.
RaiseRight – Scrip fundraising (Ongoing)
We have set up scrip (gift card) fundraising via RaiseRight. We receive a portion of the sales from the purchase of gift cards through this service (each gift card has a differing %). Either click on the enrollment link via RaiseRight or scan the QR code. You can earmark the funds raised to be used directly by the student of your choice.

Please contact for more information